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ZeroPlastic is a youth-driven non-profit that aims to eliminate the usage of single-use plastics in Singapore and beyond.


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Plastic bags are commonly used for transporting and containing goods such as powders, chemicals, foods, magazines and waste. These plastic bags, however, are made of polythene, causing pollution all their life - from their manufacturing to their disposal. They require crude oil and natural gas to manufacture and even more fossil fuels to ship around the World. 



These bags are used for an average of 12 minutes, whereas it takes 500 years for a plastic bag to completely degrade in a landfill. 


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Some other popular single-use plastics which continue to pollute the environment are food packaging, straws, containers, bottles, cups and cutlery. 


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Reusing your plastic bags is a great way to get started!


Benefits of reusing plastic bags:

- Money is saved

- Resources are conserved

- Wildlife can be protected 

- Recycling problems can be avoided


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Here at ZEROPLASTIC, we are committed to educating others through talks in schools, preschools, and organizations as well as organizing events such as reusable bag drives, onsite beach clean-ups, and working with local businesses to propose alternatives to single-use plastic consumption like straws and plastic bags. With these small steps, we aspire to make a bigger change in our communities. 


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The plastic problem is prominent all over the world no matter where you are and it is time to make the change NOW!


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